Algedonic Read online
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of your trust
be careful
leave behind anything or anyone
who stresses your heart out
you are the flower
that blooms by itself
for itself
for yourself
keep growing
i am alone
but this is heaven
this is peace
a lovely savage
a delicate beast
she was a warrior
with soft skin
a vivacious brute
with victory
in her soul
and power in her veins
something happens
when she smiles
the clouds disappear
the rain stops pouring
she chases the storms away
real love is athletic
it runs without fatigue
give me an aesthetic love
fuck the word count
pay more attention
to the message
anything is poetry
everything is poetry
i describe your pain
with my words
and you find strength
you’re an angel my love
don’t go searching for heaven
when heaven lives within you
my imagination made you good
my imagination made me stay
my imagination helped me see
a life without you
in time
we see the truth
in time
we move on
she was beautiful
and strange
and broken
but she was worth it
she is a garden of love
and adventure
i hope something good finds you
because there is something good
that lives beyond your skin
beneath your veins
and inside your soul
you are you
and that will always be
a poem worth reading
she bridged the gap
between heartache and strength
she turned her sadness into power
then darkness
then light
then chaos
then peace
then sadness
then joy
the girl thought to be broken
was actually healing herself
they saw sadness in her eyes
but she knew all along
that the sadness would fade
just as long as she kept fighting
so she fought
look inward
for the things
they refuse
to give you
sustain yourself
do not rely on weak souls
to help you remain strong
on your own
you are mighty
you, a woman
have the power
to give life
to the thoughts
and feelings
of the men
who hurt you
but you must
let them die
you mustn’t let them live
i wish to only find
a heart as lonely as my own
that wishes to find
someone like me
the silence
will awaken the noise
of joy
that lives within me
i will see the love
and peacefulness
in living a life
without you in it
i will . . .
do you hear yourself
can you hear your own voice
over the silence
that dwells within you
the quiet vibrance
that is your soul
the brilliant chaos
that is your mind
you’ve been fighting for so long
engaging in wars that no one sees
you’ve been at war with yourself
wishing, hoping for more peace
all of me
was never meant
to be touched by you
some of the peace
we search for
will always dwell
within our own heart
start there . . .
search there . . .
i hope you create something
with someone
who wants to live out
the rest of their life
standing next to you
under the sun
you don’t need to be fixed by anyone
you just want to be loved in a way
that chases the sadness out of your soul
tell these girls
they don’t need men
to feel like women
she found life in the night
like a rose blooming
without the sun
copyright © 2017 by r.h. Sin. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of reprints in the context of reviews.
Andrews McMeel Publishing
a division of Andrews McMeel Universal
1130 Walnut Street, Kansas City, Missouri 64106
ISBN: 978-1-4494-9479-7
Library of Congress Control Number: 2017957375
Editor: Patty Rice
Art Director, Designer: Diane Marsh
Production Editor: David Shaw
Production Manager: Cliff Koehler
Digital Production: Kristen Minter
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